All questions articles – Page 2
Unapologetic #95 Jay Y Kim: Doubt and deconstruction
Jay Y Kim, a pastor in Silicon Valley and author of multiple books including Listen, Listen, Speak, shares his experience of losing and rediscovering his faith. What are some of the reasons people leave the Church or aren’t even remotely interested in the first place? What should we do with our doubts? How do we ensure everyone feels welcome?
Michael Gungor’s deconstruction: Can we keep the baby when we throw out the bathwater?
Erik Strandness reflects on a show featuring musician Michael Gungor and pastor Evan Wickham on millennials, music and mystical deconstruction
Unbelievable? If God exists why does he allow suffering? The most googled questions with Bruce Miller, Ruth Jackson & Billy Hallowell
In the second of two shows on the most googled questions about God, Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose.
Ask NT Wright Anything #207 Conversations about the afterlife (Classic)
Heaven and Hell are the topic of today’s podcast with Tom Wright answering your questions about the afterlife. What is the nature of hell and what does Tom believe about it? What can be said about annihilationist or universalist views? If our loved one’s aren’t with us in heaven, can we be happy there? These and more listener questions get addressed by Tom Wright in this episode.
Unbelievable? The most googled questions with Bruce Miller: Does life have a purpose? Is Christianity true?
Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, tackles two huge questions: is Christianity too narrow and is Jesus really God? He also explores whether Jesus really rose from the dead.
What do Kate Bush and Jesus have in common?
Author Drew Cordell looks at why Christianity is worth investigating
The CS Lewis Podcast #144 That Hideous Strength: What would a godless world look like?
Alister McGrath continues to discuss the final book of CS Lewis’ science fiction trilogy. What are Lewis’ thoughts on education? Was he anti-modern? Does the abolition of God necessarily lead to the abolition of humanity?
Making sense of reality: How an atheist philosopher discovered Jesus via paganism
The horrific terror attack of 9/11 cemented in Patrick Flynn’s mind that religion was not only untrue and irrelevant, but also troublesome. Jana Harmon explores how rigorous study and existential questions led Pat to change his mind
The CS Lewis Podcast #140 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: Does history matter?
Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how significant CS Lewis was in her journey from atheism to Christianity. As an academic historian, she explores how great books speak to ever-present questions and looks at why the past matters. Why is Lewis still relevant 60 years after his death?
The CS Lewis Podcast: #134 Alister McGrath: Is there an expiry date on Lewis’ relevance?
In the final part of their discussion on whether CS Lewis is still relevant 60 years after his death, Professor Alister McGrath and Ruth Jackson ponder whether he also appeals to agnostics, atheists and those of other religions. Plus, is there a modern-day CS Lewis? Where should someone start if they are engaging with Lewis for the first time? And will Lewis ever cease to be relevant?
Doubting towards God: How a nominal Catholic-turned atheist became a Christian apologist
Spanish musician Pedro Garcia’s atheism was profoundly shaken when he began to engage with intelligent Christians. Jana Harmon shares his story
The CS Lewis Podcast #133 Alister McGrath: Was Lewis a prophet and does he speak to contemporary cultural issues?
Professor Alister McGrath and Ruth Jackson continue their discussion about whether CS Lewis is still relevant. Was he something of a prophet? What can we learn about the way Lewis engaged with modern media? How did he make complicated theological concepts relatable? In what ways has Lewis influenced our culture and is he able to speak to contemporary topical issues, such as transgenderism?
Unbelievable? 60 years after his death, are CS Lewis and his God still relevant?
Ruth Jackson hosts a discussion about a 20th Century British writer and lay theologian who is arguably one of the most influential voices in modern Christianity. On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, England. However, 60 years after his death, is CS Lewis still relevant?
Ask NT Wright Anything #192 Big questions from and about children (Classic)
From 2020: Tom answers listener questions on how to talk to children about tricky things like suffering and hell. Plus, we talk about parenting and discipling children and young people
Unapologetic #76 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: How do we find meaning?
In the second part of their discussion, Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how she moved from atheism to agnosticism, ending up in a church. What is meaning? How do we find it? Does Christianity have anything to say to our cultural moment?
Matthew Perry’s friends probably were there for him, but did it ultimately matter?
Drew Cordell, author of Honest Christianity: Why People Choose to Believe, reflects on the sad passing of Friends actor Matthew Perry
The CS Lewis Podcast #128 Perelandra: It’s not for nothing that you are named Ransom
Looking at Perelendra, Alister McGrath explores key questions raised by CS Lewis: What is good? Should we be frightened of God? What is significant about Ransom’s name?
Ask NT Wright Anything #190 Ananias and Sapphira and more tricky theological questions (Classic)
From the archives: How do we reconcile the New Testament account of Ananias and Sapphira being struck dead with the cross-shaped vision of a God of love? These and other tricky theological questions on original sin, Open Theism and why God considers us ‘worthy’ of his love are answered by Tom.
The CS Lewis Podcast #127 Perelandra: Evil, suffering and sin
Alister McGrath continues to discuss Perelandra, looking particularly at the topics of evil, suffering, sin, demon possession and divine justice. How can God allow suffering? What can be done to redeem evil?