All physics articles
Matter of Life & Death: Physics and the gospel: Richard Cheetham on how churches can embrace science once more
Despite reams of research debunking the myth and countless examples of pioneering Christian researchers, many people still believe intuitively that somehow science and religion are in constant conflict.
Christians in Science: How a particle physicist finds harmony between the Bible and science
Particle physicist Aron Wall has loved both God and science from a young age. Here, apologist Joel Furches shares some of Aron’s life and thoughts
Remembering theoretical physicist Professor Thomas McLeish (1962-2023)
Evangelist Greg Downes shares his personal reflections on his friend, the scientist and apologist Professor Thomas Charles Buckland McLeish, who died on 27th February
‘I Don’t Need God’ – a sceptic’s U-turn
Ardent atheist Mark Meckler began to consider whether there might be something more after 51 years of scepticism