All paranormal articles
Was Halloween originally a Christian festival?
Matt Arnold, editor of The Christian Parapsychologist Journal, explores the origins of Halloween and suggests they are firmly rooted in the Church
Should we be sceptical about the paranormal?
Erik Strandness explores how we should respond to supernatural phenomena in response to an Unbelievable? show about paranormal activity, such as near-death experiences, angels and ghosts
Unbelievable? Paranormal hauntings and exorcism - a Christian and skeptic in discussion.
Matt Arnold, editor of the Christian Parapsychologist Journal and Dr Cal Cooper, a psychologist and paranormal researcher, speak to Justin about how they interpret account of ghosts, exorcism and apparitions as a Christian and skeptic.
Unbelievable? Angels, visions and near death encounters - Dale C Allison on whether skeptics can take religious experiences seriously
From rapturous joy to inexplicable terror, angelic encounters to near death experiences, New Testament scholar Dale Allison has researched a wide range of phenomena in his new book ‘Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age’. He tells of his own experiences and explains why they are more common than many people realise, and why skeptics shouldn’t dismiss them out of hand. Justin also brings listener questions from atheists and believers.