All Near Death Experiences articles
Ask NT Wright Anything #225 Will animals go to heaven? Are NDEs real? Is there ‘free will’ in heaven? (replay)
In this episode, Tom dives into listener questions about heaven and the new creation. Discover whether free will still exists in heaven, what near-death experiences can reveal, and if we’ll be reunited with our loved ones and pets. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on the afterlife and beyond!
Unbelievable? Angels, visions and near death encounters - Dale C Allison on whether skeptics can take religious experiences seriously
From rapturous joy to inexplicable terror, angelic encounters to near death experiences, New Testament scholar Dale Allison has researched a wide range of phenomena in his new book ‘Encountering Mystery: Religious Experience in a Secular Age’. He tells of his own experiences and explains why they are more common than many people realise, and why skeptics shouldn’t dismiss them out of hand. Justin also brings listener questions from atheists and believers.