All miscarriage articles
Ask NT Wright Anything #223 Pastoral questions on porn, personal tragedy and coming back to faith (Classic)
Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a person racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back to faith but unsure where to begin.
Unapologetic #94 Hannah Martin: Makeup royalty on supporting those who struggle with Mother’s Day
Renowned makeup artist Hannah Martin explores how to support people who find Mother’s Day difficult for a plethora of different reasons. She bravely shares her own journey of losing her mother and her heart-breaking struggle with infertility and miscarriage. Are there practical ways churches can support those who are grieving? How do we celebrate Mothering Sunday in a sensitive way? Where can we look for hope?
How can churches support people who find Mother’s Day difficult? 7 tips from makeup artist to the stars Hannah Martin
As we approach Mother’s Day, Hannah Martin, who has made up some of the world’s most famous faces, shares her thoughts on how to support those who may be struggling
A brief encounter: How a successful professional on Capitol Hill moved from secular humanism to Christianity
Jana Harmon shares the story of former sceptic Susan Leonard who saw no need for faith until a personal tragedy led to a profound encounter with God
Matters of Life & Death: Baby loss 2: Rising abortion numbers, pills by post, ‘the pregnancy remains’, and Schrodinger’s fetus
We spoke last week about the hugely welcome shift in how society talks about miscarriage and cares for women (and men) who have experienced it. And yet at the same time in Britain, we desperately avoid using the same language and narrative established in baby loss services when we are in the abortion zone.
Unapologetic #61 Vince Vitale: Why does God allow suffering and how can I cope?
Philosopher Dr Vince Vitale presents some of his PhD research around evil, suffering and theodicy. He and Ruth Jackson share their own experiences of suffering miscarriages, demonstrating that this is not just a theoretical question of why there is pain, but a deeply practical one of how we are to deal with this agony.
Hope amid heartache: Ruth Jackson’s journey from miscarriage to motherhood
Ruth Jackson recalls her experience of miscarriage at Christmas and reflects on experiencing pain, fear and doubt in a season of celebration and frivolity