All meditation articles
Yoga, mindfulness and truly Christian meditation
Yoga and mindfulness are everywhere in popular Western culture: in school PE lessons, in company retreats, prescribed by doctors, and even sometimes endorsed by churches. Are these harmless or even quasi-Christian practices we can all enjoy, or pagan-derived movements which believers should steer clear of? And is there such a thing as ‘Christian meditation’ we should all be leaning into instead?
Unapologetic #99 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: How can we be effective priests of history?
Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker, author of Priests of History, explores the results of ahistoricism in the Church. Does disconnection from the past lead to individualism? How do we use ancient spiritual practices in a modern setting? Can history help us to use our time well?
The CS Lewis Podcast #56 Meditation in a Toolshed - CS Lewis’ essays and short writings
We begin season 6 of the CS Lewis podcast looking at a number of CS Lewis’ shorter articles, essays and sermons. ‘Meditation in a Toolshed’ (1945) sees Lewis exploring the idea of ‘looking at’ a beam of sunlight vs ‘looking along’ the beam. Alister and Justin discuss how Lewis related this idea to the Christian faith.