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  • CS LEWIS - David Bates- Website Thumb

    The CS Lewis Podcast #130 David Bates: Pints with Jack


    Ruth Jackson speaks to David Bates from the Pints With Jack podcast about how a local book club became a popular show and website. They discuss how David’s journey with CS Lewis began (“like most people, it began with a wardrobe”) and developed. Plus, what are some of the most surprising things he’s learnt about Lewis?

  • CS LEWIS Carolyn Weber Website Thumb

    The CS Lewis Podcast #129 Dr Carolyn Weber: Surprised by Oxford


    Dr Carolyn Weber, author of Surprised by Oxford, shares her fascinating story of coming to faith from atheism at Oxford University. Her journey, which mimics CS Lewis’ own in many ways, has recently been turned into a feature film. What did Lewis mean by “surprised by joy”? Why are stories so powerful? Why has Lewis so often contributed to people’s conversions?

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #92 Alister McGrath: The making of a Mere Christian


    In the sixth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ faith journey, looking at how and why he became a Christian. We also hear about the significant impact of JRR Tolkien. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.