All Intelligent Design articles
Was the Universe designed for us?
Two teleological arguments for God summarised and explained
Does DNA’s language point to a creator?
The complexity and communicative qualities of our genetic building blocks are not easily explained by science, but instead point to intelligent design, argues Joel Furches
Is intelligent design a viable option?
Neonatal consultant Erik Strandness explores scientific method and the intelligent design movement in light of an Unbelievable? conversation on the topic
Why Dawkins & Collins need God for our “hole-in-one” universe
Philosopher Peter S Williams thinks both Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins overlooked a design inference, within the realm of evolutionary biology, which would go hand-in-hand with the argument from “fine-tuning” (which Dawkins himself described as “a good argument” for God during their debate).
Is Intelligent Design advancing or in retreat? Casey Luskin & Adam Shapiro
Casey Luskin of the Discovery Institute, and editor of ‘The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith’ argues that the Intelligent Design movement is gaining new converts and has never been stronger. Science historian Adam Shapiro, co-author of ‘Science and Religion: A very short introduction’ responds.