All image of God articles
What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
‘Let us make mankind in our image.’ But what does Imago Dei truly mean for us today? From abilities to relationships, how do we define being made in God’s image in a way that includes everyone? In an era challenging human uniqueness, understanding Imago Dei is key to upholding the value of all life. Let’s revisit this foundational concept and its importance in our modern world.
Unapologetic: #115 Michael Lloyd: Culture wars, creativity and relativism
Could a decline in creativity and beauty be why the Church has become increasingly irrelevant and unlikeable? What are culture wars and how should we respond? Is relativism flawed and what is the alternative? Does human creativity point to God? Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, principal of Wycliffe Hall, shares his thoughts about culture, creativity and The New Renaissance Project.