All historicity articles
Can the Gospels be trusted? The texture of testimony
Philosopher and author of Testimonies to the Truth: Why You Can Trust the Gospels, Lydia McGrew, explores some of the characteristics of testimony within the Gospel narratives
Unbelievable? Uninvented: Are the stories of Jesus too unusual to have been made up? Mike D’Virgilio vs Matthew Taylor
‘You just can’t make this stuff up!’ That, in a nutshell is the contention of Mike D’Virgilio’s book ‘Uninvented: Why the Bible could not be made up and the evidence that proves it’. He says that the life of Jesus doesn’t read like made up stories, myths and legends.
Ask NT Wright Anything #155 Making sense of Old Testament violence
Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God in ‘The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God’. First broadcast in 2019.