All healing articles
Is happiness enough, or do we seek purpose and fulfilment?
Why suffering, instead of being a reason to turn us away from God, can be the way that we find him
Unapologetic #114: Joe Boot: Resurrection, miracles and climate change
Is there any proof for the resurrection of Jesus? Are miracles a genuine possibility? How should we respond to global injustice and environmental breakdown? What practical ways can we use apologetics in everyday situations? We hear from Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Vale Youth For Christ.
Unapologetic #92 Michael Lloyd: Did Jesus have a sex drive?
What does the image of God say about our sexuality? What does that mean for single people? How did Jesus’ sexual safeness help to heal people’s broken sexuality and what did Jesus say about sex?
Unbelievable? Is Halloween harmless fun?
Get ready for a spine-tingling edition of Unbelievable. Hosted by Billy Hallowell, we’re diving headfirst into Halloween hysteria. Is it all innocent fun or something more sinister? Join the conversation with ex-healer Angela Ucci, pastor Ray Comfort who after being petrified of Halloween decided to use it to tell people about Jesus. Rounding up the discussion Unbelievable welcomes Matt Arnold, editor of The Christian Parapsychologist Journal. We’ll uncover the mysteries, explore the spiritual realm, and ask the big question: should we celebrate?
Riches to rags: How a millionaire lost nearly everything, but found God
Former atheist Stu Fuhlendorf felt no need for God, achieving high level of success and power in the business world. However, his achievements were tainted by emptiness and addiction, which helped him become open to his need for God. Jana Harmon shares his story
Free at last: How an atheist addict was healed from addiction and suicidal thoughts
From a young age, Mark Goodnight experienced great suffering, including sexual abuse, alcoholism and depression. These events caused him to doubt God. As his life spiralled out of control, Mark reached out to the God he didn’t believe in and began to experience healing and restoration
How do you mend a broken heart? The cure we all need this Valentine’s Day
As we head into a day devoted to celebrating relationships, Erik Strandness looks at how God restores the relationships damaged through our infidelity
Do you want to be healed?
Following a recent episode of Unbelievable? on miracle healing, Erik Strandness explores what we can learn about healing from the biblical account of the pool at Bethesda
Unbelievable? Are the gifts of the Spirit still in operation? Cessation vs Continuation: Doug Wilson & Michael Brown
The charismatic church is the fastest growing part of the global church. But not all Christians believe gifts of tongues, prophecy and healing are for today.
Send Proof: Is there medical evidence for miracles? Craig Keener, Michael Shermer and Elijah Stephens
Elijah Stephens, director of the documentary Send Proof, joins Justin to discuss his investigation into supernatural healing claims. Miracle researcher Craig Keener shares extraordinary stories - but is it enough to convince atheist skeptic Michael Shermer?