All God  articles – Page 25

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - William Lane Craig vs AC Grayling debate on God & Evil


    William Lane Craig & AC Grayling debated at the Oxford Union in 2005. Does the existence of evil and suffering in the world preclude the existence of the Christian God?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Emerging Church Debate - Brian McLaren & James White


    Brian McLaren is an author, theologian and church leader. He is at the forefront of the “emerging church” and his books such as “A new Kind of Christian” and “A Generous Orthodoxy” have been influential in the movement’s theology Some describe the emerging church as “post-evangelical” and “post-modern” as it seeks to re-read scripture without the cultural baggage that it believes Western Christendom has often imposed. James White of Alpha and Omega ministries in Arizona sees the theology of the “emerging church” as a departure from orthodoxy, and an attempt to reshape the Gospel and God to fit modern sensibilities.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Rob Bell defends ‘Love Wins’


    “Love Wins” by US megachurch pastor Rob Bell has ignited a theological debate about the nature of Hell, the nature of God and whether all people will ultimately be saved. Bell joins Justin Brierley to discuss the book and respond to some of the key criticisms that have been levelled at it. UK Church blogger Adrian Warnock disagrees with many of Bell’s conclusions and believes he is swimming outside the stream of evangelical orthodoxy.

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    Unbelievable? Is God a Moral Monster? Paul Copan & Norman Bacrac


    Richard Dawkins describes the Old Testament God as “a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser” (among other things). Paul Copan is a Christian apologist and has written a book aiming to show why God’s actions in the Old Testament are not immoral when taken in context. Norman Bacrac is an atheist humanist and part ot the South place Ethical Society.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Presuppositional apologetics round 2


    6 months ago Sye Ten Bruggencate and atheist Paul Baird met to discuss Sye’s presuppositional approach to proof of God. Sye claims that the fact Paul believes in laws of logic, maths, science and rationality prove that God exists. The show was a popular download with many subsequent online debates. They are back - Paul brings 6 months experience of debate on the subject online with him.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Music & God


    Music often evokes strong emotions in people. But is there more to the beauty and meaning we find in music than atheism allows? David Robertson contends that the joy and meaning we experience in music is a pointer beyond itself to an ultimate source of joy and meaning in God. Gordon Livesey is a musician and an atheist. He contends that while we all experience emotions and meaning in music, it ultimately can be explained in scientific terms alone.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Grill a Christian Round 3 & Unbelievable? Conference announcement


    Today’s show begins with details of the forthcoming Unbelievable? apologetics conference in London where Justin will be joined by speakers including John Lennox, Jay Smith, David Instone-Brewer and David Robertson. David Robertson joins Justin for a third round of sceptical questions from Unbelievable? atheist listeners.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Are there many paths to God?


    In an age of religious pluralism it can seem arrogant for Christians to claim they have “the truth” or the only means to salvation. So when Jesus said “no-one comes to the Father except through me” what did he mean? And what about those who have not heard the Gospel? John Hick is a noted philosopher and theologian who is a proponent of a pluralist view of religion - that there is one light (God) but many lampshades (religious expressions).

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Alister McGrath & Stephen Law - Why Won’t God Go Away?


    Alister McGrath’s new book “Why God won’t go away” is a critique of the New Atheist Movement spearheaded by Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris & Dennett.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Human Value & Subversive Stories


    Off-duty police men in Bogota, Columbia shoot street children because they consider them to be “disposables”. Using stories such as this Mark Roques asks whether value in human life can be found anywhere other than our being made “In the image of God”.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Os Guinness & Mary Warnock debate religious freedoms


    Os Guinness is an author, cultural critic and Christian apologist. He co-founded the Trinity Forum which “seeks to transform society through the transformation of leaders”. Baroness Mary Warnock is a moral philosopher and atheist. She is a cross bench peer in the House of Lords and an influential voice arguing for liberalisation of euthanasia laws. Her book “Dishonest to God” argues that religious and theological issues should have no place in issues of public morality, covering euthanasia, assisted suicide, and abortion.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - David Robertson answers skeptics questions


    David Robertson is a Scottish church pastor and author of “The Dawkins Letters”. He recently hosted the first Conference of the newly established Solas Centre for Public Christianity.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Philip Yancey on “What Good is God?”


    Best-selling US Christian Author Philip Yancey writes books that address some of the hardest questions that Christians ask of themselves and skeptics ask of Christians. His latest book “What Good is God?” looks at how Christian belief matters in the lives of those who suffer.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? The Apologetics of CS Lewis


    C.S. Lewis was one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th Century and remains so today. Many are familiar with his Narnia stories, but he was also a populariser of Christian apologetics, and continues to be the first place that many encounter the key arguments for Christian faith.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Darwin’s Black Box - Michael Behe & Keith Fox debate Intelligent Design


    Michael Behe is professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania and the founder of the modern Intelligent Design movement. His book “Darwin’s Black Box” ignited the controversy 14 years ago when it claimed that certain molecular machines and biological processes are “irreducibly complex” and cannot be explained by Darwinian evolution.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Philosophers Debate The Moral Argument for God


    Torturing children for fun - is that absolutely wrong?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Hawking’s God - John Polkinghorne & Hugh Ross (Plus Mike Behe interview!)


    We return to listener questions on whether Hawking was right or wrong to dismiss God as a cause of the universe in his new book “The Grand Design”.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Hawking, God & the Universe - Sir Roger Penrose and Alister McGrath


     Stephen Hawking made headlines around the world when he announced that his M-Theory of cosmology has led him to conclude God did not create the universe and its “fine tuning” is the result of a multiverse.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Presuppositional apologetic proof of God


    “Arguing against God’s existence is on a par with arguing against air, breathing it all the while”. So says the website of Sye TenBrugencatte who believes that Christians need to rediscover the power of ‘presuppositional apologetics’.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Psychology of religion


    s belief in the supernatural inherent from birth? Is Christianity a psychological crutch or a path to emotional wholeness? Is God belief simply a result of evolution? Would it make belief untrue if it were?