All gifts articles
Is Christmas relevant for everyone?
Author Ben Harris shares some thoughts on how to bring the Christmas story to life this Christmas
Ask NT Wright Anything #181 The charismatic gifts of the Spirit (Replay)
From Jan 2020: Tom answers questions on whether gifts of prophecy and tongues are for today, the roles of signs and wonders, and talks about his own experience of the Holy Spirit.
Does God speak today?
Heather Tomlinson shares a short explainer about charismatic gifts of the Spirit and cessationism, following a recent Unbelievable? debate
Unbelievable? Does God speak today through dreams, visions & prophecy? Tania Harris & Jim Osman
Tania Harris, founding director of God Conversations and author of ‘The Church who hears God’s Voice’ makes a biblical and experiential case for the ongoing activity of the Spirit communicating through dreams, visions and prophecy. She engages with cessationist pastor Jim Osman. author of ‘God Doesn’t Whisper’, who argues that people who claim to hear God’s voice are misled and that the Bible is the only way in which Gods revelation comes to us today.
Unbelievable? Are the gifts of the Spirit still in operation? Cessation vs Continuation: Doug Wilson & Michael Brown
The charismatic church is the fastest growing part of the global church. But not all Christians believe gifts of tongues, prophecy and healing are for today.