All faith articles – Page 2
Unbelievable? 60 years after his death, are CS Lewis and his God still relevant?
Ruth Jackson hosts a discussion about a 20th Century British writer and lay theologian who is arguably one of the most influential voices in modern Christianity. On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, England. However, 60 years after his death, is CS Lewis still relevant?
The CS Lewis Podcast #132 Alister McGrath: 60 years after his death, does Lewis still speak to our heads and hearts?
On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, England. 60 years after his death, we discuss whether he is still relevant today. Are any of the accusations levelled against Lewis legitimate? Why does he continue to speak to our rationality and imagination? Plus, Professor Alister McGrath shares the influence Lewis had on his own journey of faith.
Unapologetic #77 Amy Orr-Ewing: Why does Mary matter?
Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, author of Mary’s Voice, shares the story of her academic father becoming a Christian and how that impacted their whole family. She describes the experience of being grilled by 14 Oxford dons about her theology undergraduate exam papers the day before her wedding! Plus, Amy explains why she is so impacted by the person of Mary, and how her example brings hope in the midst of deep darkness.
The CS Lewis Podcast #130 David Bates: Pints with Jack
Ruth Jackson speaks to David Bates from the Pints With Jack podcast about how a local book club became a popular show and website. They discuss how David’s journey with CS Lewis began (“like most people, it began with a wardrobe”) and developed. Plus, what are some of the most surprising things he’s learnt about Lewis?
Matters of Life & Death: The Fall: Bad actor theory, a malevolent voice in the Garden, Total Depravity and Original Sin, and the ‘Christian heresy’ of liberal humanism
Creation. Fall. Redemption. New Creation. This is the grand narrative of scripture and the theological foundation we use to try to probe into the ethical challenges thrown up by advances in science and technology.
Matthew Perry’s friends probably were there for him, but did it ultimately matter?
Drew Cordell, author of Honest Christianity: Why People Choose to Believe, reflects on the sad passing of Friends actor Matthew Perry
The CS Lewis Podcast #129 Dr Carolyn Weber: Surprised by Oxford
Dr Carolyn Weber, author of Surprised by Oxford, shares her fascinating story of coming to faith from atheism at Oxford University. Her journey, which mimics CS Lewis’ own in many ways, has recently been turned into a feature film. What did Lewis mean by “surprised by joy”? Why are stories so powerful? Why has Lewis so often contributed to people’s conversions?
Unbelievable? Is Halloween harmless fun?
Get ready for a spine-tingling edition of Unbelievable. Hosted by Billy Hallowell, we’re diving headfirst into Halloween hysteria. Is it all innocent fun or something more sinister? Join the conversation with ex-healer Angela Ucci, pastor Ray Comfort who after being petrified of Halloween decided to use it to tell people about Jesus. Rounding up the discussion Unbelievable welcomes Matt Arnold, editor of The Christian Parapsychologist Journal. We’ll uncover the mysteries, explore the spiritual realm, and ask the big question: should we celebrate?
Matters of Life & Death: Baby loss 2: Rising abortion numbers, pills by post, ‘the pregnancy remains’, and Schrodinger’s fetus
We spoke last week about the hugely welcome shift in how society talks about miscarriage and cares for women (and men) who have experienced it. And yet at the same time in Britain, we desperately avoid using the same language and narrative established in baby loss services when we are in the abortion zone.
Unapologetic #75 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: How an atheist academic moved towards belief in God
Former atheist-turned Christian Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how studying some of the founders of modern science challenged her assumption that religion and science were fundamentally opposed. She also highlights the moment she realised her atheism could no longer sustain her moral commitments.
Does deconstruction signal the death of faith?
Erik Strandness reflects on deconstruction and reconstruction following an Unbelievable show on this topic
The late Queen (1926-2022): Reflections from a bishop a year after her death
Retired bishop Richard Harries shares his thoughts about Queen Elizabeth II, who died a year ago on 8th September 2022
Ask NT Wright Anything #183 Pastoral questions on porn, personal tragedy and coming back to faith (Classic)
From March 2020: Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a man racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back to faith but unsure where to begin.
Conversion, deconstruction and reconversion: How an ex-Christian rediscovered faith through exploring life’s big questions
Jim Thring was a Christian for 15 years before losing his faith and becoming a humanist atheist. He rediscovered his Christian faith years later through apologetics. Jana Harmon shares some of Jim’s story here
The CS Lewis Podcast #113 What about other religions?
In the final part of this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they continue to discuss CS Lewis’ apologetics and hone in on what Lewis says about other religions.
Ask NT Wright Anything #175 Pastor losing faith writes in; personal Questions; Tom plays guitar! (Classic)
Replay from June 2019: In a special pastoral Q&A edition Tom responded to various questions on difficult family situations, unforgiveness and a church pastor who doesn’t know if he believes any more.
Food for thought: What has nutrition got to do with faith?
Erik Strandness takes a look at a number of biblical metaphors involving food and explores what they mean for our faith
Ask NT Wright Anything #171 Tom answers Personal Qs on favourite preachers, authors and his own faith (Classic)
From 2019. Listeners want to know about Tom - Who are his favourite authors? If he could have dinner with anyone from the 20th Century who would it be? Why is he an Anglican? Has he ever struggled with his own faith?
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: Introverts versus extroverts, faith in the consultation room, and a moratorium on AI research
More quickfire initial thoughts in response to questions from listeners. This week we discuss whether introverts are marginalised in the church, or actually disproportionately likely in the pulpit?
The CS Lewis Podcast #100 Alister McGrath: 100th special celebrating CS Lewis’ legacy and how he can help renew the Church
In this special episode, we take a break from our series on Professor Alister McGrath’s seminal biography, CS Lewis: A Life, to celebrate reaching our 100th episode. Alister shares some of his thoughts around what modern readers can learn from Lewis and how he can help with the renewal of the Church.