All essay articles
The CS Lewis Podcast #63 The Weight of Glory - CS Lewis’ essays and short writings
‘The Weight of Glory’ is a sermon that CS Lewis preached at the University Church of St Mary the Virgin, Oxford in 1941. It is widely regarded as one of his most significant short works, focussing on the way our human longings in this world point to another world that we were made for.
The CS Lewis Podcast #62 First and Second Things - CS Lewis’ essays and short writings
Originally published in 1942 this essay argues that humans often turn ‘second order’ things such as music, art, romantic love, etc into ‘first order’ things in place of God. In doings so they lose the joy of those things in the process. “You can’t get second things by putting them first; you can get second things only by putting first things first.”
The CS Lewis Podcast #60 Is Theism Important? - CS Lewis’ essays and short writings
This essay originally took the form of a talk at the Socratic club in Oxford in 1952. Lewis explains the difference between ‘Faith A’ as ‘intellectual assent’ and ‘Faith B’ as ‘trust or confidence in God’, as well as the experience of awe.
The CS Lewis Podcast #59 The Grand Miracle - CS Lewis’ essays and short writings
Originally preached a sermon in 1945, this essay by Lewis uses the imagery of a diver to explain the significance of the incarnation as God stepping into creation to ultimately redeem it.
The CS Lewis Podcast #56 Meditation in a Toolshed - CS Lewis’ essays and short writings
We begin season 6 of the CS Lewis podcast looking at a number of CS Lewis’ shorter articles, essays and sermons. ‘Meditation in a Toolshed’ (1945) sees Lewis exploring the idea of ‘looking at’ a beam of sunlight vs ‘looking along’ the beam. Alister and Justin discuss how Lewis related this idea to the Christian faith.