All doubts articles

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    Women in apologetics: From doubter to proclaimer


    Although Kristen Davis grew up in church, profound doubts kept God from being real to her. Everything changed when she discovered apologetics and biblical archeology. Apologist Joel Furches shares her story

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    Ask NT Wright Anything #222 What if I’m not really saved? (Classic)


    Can We Lose Our Salvation? Join us this week as Tom addresses common doubts that crop up time and again from our listener’s questions. Do you ever question if you can lose your salvation? Feel unworthy to be a disciple of Jesus? Wonder if you might think you’re saved, but actually aren’t, like those Jesus refers to in Matthew 7:21-23 saying, ‘depart from me’? Today on Ask NT Wright Anything we’re sharing insightful, biblical and what we hope will be some comforting responses, to help us all as we seek clarity in our spiritual journey.