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Unbelievable? Is Halloween harmless fun?
Get ready for a spine-tingling edition of Unbelievable. Hosted by Billy Hallowell, we’re diving headfirst into Halloween hysteria. Is it all innocent fun or something more sinister? Join the conversation with ex-healer Angela Ucci, pastor Ray Comfort who after being petrified of Halloween decided to use it to tell people about Jesus. Rounding up the discussion Unbelievable welcomes Matt Arnold, editor of The Christian Parapsychologist Journal. We’ll uncover the mysteries, explore the spiritual realm, and ask the big question: should we celebrate?
The CS Lewis Podcast #81 Joshua Karras - porn, depression, domestic violence and The Screwtape Letters
Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with author Joshua Karras who has penned a modern appropriation of The Screwtape Letters. 80 years after the publication of CS Lewis’ classic epistolary novel, Karras shares why he has included some of the contemporary temptations in his literary adaptation.
The CS Lewis Podcast #80 Joshua Karras: A modern take on The Screwtape Letters
80 years after the publication of The Screwtape Letters, young author Joshua Karras has written an appropriation of CS Lewis’ classic epistolary novel for a modern audience. Ruth Jackson discovers the inspiration behind this audacious project.