All death articles – Page 3
Did Jesus actually rise from the dead?
Apologists Nick Peters and Joel Furches explore the plausibility of Christianity’s central claim
Is there evidence for an afterlife?
Apologist Joel Furches looks at the soul, near death experiences and the resurrection of Jesus, examining their veracity and relevance
Was Jesus really crucified?
Apologists Nick Spencer and Joel Furches examine the evidence for the event at the heart of Christianity
Why did Jesus have to die for me?
Dr Andy Bannister, director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity, explores why he believes Jesus’ death on the cross was necessary
What are Palm Sunday, Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday and why are they important?
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, unpacks some of its key moments and their relevance
What is Holy Week and why does it matter?
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the events leading up to the death of Jesus and ponders their significance for our lives today
Unapologetic #46 John Swinton: darkness, death and extreme suffering - how Holy Week brings hope
In part two of his discussion with Ruth Jackson, Professor John Swinton shares what Holy Week means to him and explores what impact the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus has on a world in need of hope.
What actually happened on the cross? Exploring atonement theories
Writer Steve Schramm unpacks various atonement theories, looking at their historical and biblical origins
Unapologetic #44 Bruce Miller: Is the Bible reliable?
In this final episode, Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, explores objections towards the Bible, including whether it is sexist, racist and out of date. Bruce also asks whether we can know and experience God personally, looking at why he doesn’t make himself more obvious.
Unapologetic #43 Bruce Miller: Is Christianity true?
Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, tackles two huge questions: is Christianity too narrow and is Jesus really God? He also explores whether Jesus really rose from the dead.
Remembering theoretical physicist Professor Thomas McLeish (1962-2023)
Evangelist Greg Downes shares his personal reflections on his friend, the scientist and apologist Professor Thomas Charles Buckland McLeish, who died on 27th February
Why would God allow the Turkey-Syria earthquake?
In light of the tragic Kahramanmaras earthquake, apologist Dr Sharon Dirckx shares her thoughts on how we reconcile the idea of a good and powerful God with the presence of natural disasters
Death has lost its sting – how becoming a Christian eradicated a humanist’s overwhelming fear of dying
As an ardent atheist, Kim Endraske disliked Christians, but wrestled daily with existential dread. Jana Harmon shares Kim’s story of discovering the God who dramatically changed her life
The CS Lewis Podcast #91 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ early years at Magdalen college
In the fifth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at some key moments in Lewis’ Oxford career, such as the death of his father. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
How should Christians respond to transhumanism?
Apologists Clinton Wilcox and Joel Furches explore some of the core principles of transhumanism and their ramifications
Matters of Life & Death: Medical Assistance in Dying 2: Suicidal ideation, no crystal balls, conscientious objection, and Hippocrates’ successful medical practice
In our second conversation on Canada’s euthanasia regime, we chat with a Canadian doctor about the troubling expansion of Medical Assistance in Dying to those only suffering from mental illness.
The CS Lewis Podcast #89 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis and the Great War
In the third episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ experience of the First World War and the significant relationships he formed during this time, such as with the Moore family. We also delve into Lewis’ interest in sadomasochism! Plus, a quick reminder of our competition to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Matters of Life & Death: Medical Assistance in Dying 1: Judicial activism, a ‘reasonably foreseeable’ death, the unacceptability of suffering, and reasons to stay alive
This week we speak with a Christian psychiatrist from Canada who has been involved in both the campaigning against the spread of euthanasia, and also figuring out on the ground how to care well for patients in a system which offers them the chance to take their own lives instead of receiving treatment.
The CS Lewis Podcast #88 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ unpleasant schooldays
In the second episode of a new series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at why Lewis found school so thoroughly unpleasant and how it helped to cement his growing atheism. Plus, we launch a competition to win a copy of McGrath’s book.
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