All CS Lewis articles – Page 4
The CS Lewis Podcast #137 David Bates: How did Lewis celebrate Christmas?
David Bates of Pints With Jack shares his final thoughts with Ruth Jackson about CS Lewis and Christmas. Is there a particular food or drink Lewis would have enjoyed? What advice would he give about surviving the festive season? Plus, which of Lewis’ works would David recommend reading over the holiday period?
The CS Lewis Podcast #136 David Bates: Was Lewis a bit of a grumpy old man when it came to Christmas?
What did CS Lewis say about Christmas? David Bates from Pints With Jack discusses some of Lewis’ poetry and prose on this topic. What did he mean by the “commercial racket” of Christmas? How does he depict the incarnation? And what is the significance of Father Christmas in the Narnia Chronicles?
The CS Lewis Podcast #135 David Bates: What did Christmas mean to Lewis?
David Bates from Pints With Jack shares some of CS Lewis’ thoughts about Christmas. What are some of his key works that elucidate this topic? Did the festive period lose its significance when Lewis became an atheist? Plus, we catch up on how the inaugural CS Lewis Reading Day went last month.
The CS Lewis Podcast: #134 Alister McGrath: Is there an expiry date on Lewis’ relevance?
In the final part of their discussion on whether CS Lewis is still relevant 60 years after his death, Professor Alister McGrath and Ruth Jackson ponder whether he also appeals to agnostics, atheists and those of other religions. Plus, is there a modern-day CS Lewis? Where should someone start if they are engaging with Lewis for the first time? And will Lewis ever cease to be relevant?
The CS Lewis Podcast #133 Alister McGrath: Was Lewis a prophet and does he speak to contemporary cultural issues?
Professor Alister McGrath and Ruth Jackson continue their discussion about whether CS Lewis is still relevant. Was he something of a prophet? What can we learn about the way Lewis engaged with modern media? How did he make complicated theological concepts relatable? In what ways has Lewis influenced our culture and is he able to speak to contemporary topical issues, such as transgenderism?
The CS Lewis Podcast #132 Alister McGrath: 60 years after his death, does Lewis still speak to our heads and hearts?
On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, England. 60 years after his death, we discuss whether he is still relevant today. Are any of the accusations levelled against Lewis legitimate? Why does he continue to speak to our rationality and imagination? Plus, Professor Alister McGrath shares the influence Lewis had on his own journey of faith.
The CS Lewis Podcast #131 David Bates: CS Lewis Reading Day
David Bates and his team at Pints With Jack have helped establish a day to celebrate CS Lewis and his work. His fellow Inkling, JRR Tolkien, already has a special reading day, but “why should the Tolkien nerds have all the fun?”! Listen in to hear why David thinks Lewis is still relevant today and how you can get involved with the inaugural CS Lewis Reading Day on Lewis’ birthday - November 29th.
The CS Lewis Podcast #130 David Bates: Pints with Jack
Ruth Jackson speaks to David Bates from the Pints With Jack podcast about how a local book club became a popular show and website. They discuss how David’s journey with CS Lewis began (“like most people, it began with a wardrobe”) and developed. Plus, what are some of the most surprising things he’s learnt about Lewis?
The CS Lewis Podcast #129 Dr Carolyn Weber: Surprised by Oxford
Dr Carolyn Weber, author of Surprised by Oxford, shares her fascinating story of coming to faith from atheism at Oxford University. Her journey, which mimics CS Lewis’ own in many ways, has recently been turned into a feature film. What did Lewis mean by “surprised by joy”? Why are stories so powerful? Why has Lewis so often contributed to people’s conversions?
The CS Lewis Podcast #128 Perelandra: It’s not for nothing that you are named Ransom
Looking at Perelendra, Alister McGrath explores key questions raised by CS Lewis: What is good? Should we be frightened of God? What is significant about Ransom’s name?
The CS Lewis Podcast #127 Perelandra: Evil, suffering and sin
Alister McGrath continues to discuss Perelandra, looking particularly at the topics of evil, suffering, sin, demon possession and divine justice. How can God allow suffering? What can be done to redeem evil?
The CS Lewis Podcast #126 Perelandra: Free will, desire and the Fall
Alister McGrath unpacks some of the theology within the second book of the Space Trilogy. What was Lewis’ understanding of the Fall? What if the Fall hadn’t happened? How does he explore the concepts of free will, desire, good, love, truth and demon possession in Perelandra?
The CS Lewis Podcast #125 Perelandra: Pleasure, gender and sex
We continue our conversation on Perelandra, with Alister McGrath reflecting on questions around pleasure, gender and sex. What is gender? Is pleasure always erotic? What did Lewis mean by “transsexual” in this novel?
The CS Lewis Podcast #124 Perelandra: Scientism, spirituality and magic
Professor Alister McGrath explores the second book of CS Lewis’ space trilogy, Perelandra, looking at some of its key themes, characters and questions. Could the Fall have been prevented? What if it hadn’t happened? How did Lewis perceive magic? Where do we find meaning? Is there a limit to science?
The CS Lewis Podcast #123 Out of the Silent Planet: Death, suffering and The Fall
In the final episode on Out of the Silent Planet, Alister McGrath explores Lewis’ depiction of humanity, death, evolution and suffering. He also discusses the framework Lewis provides to help us reflect on these big questions.
The CS Lewis Podcast #122 Out of the Silent Planet: Love, sex and intuition
Alister McGrath continues to explore Out of the Silent Planet, looking at some of CS Lewis’ language around love and sex. He also looks at the different life forms on Malacandra and the distinction between rational and non-rational life forms.
The CS Lewis Podcast #121 Out of the Silent Planet: Nakedness, science and Ransom
Looking at Out of the Silent Planet, Professor Alister McGrath discusses whether nakedness within the book is significant. Plus, they look at whether CS Lewis is drawing on genuine science and the significance of Ransom’s name.
The CS Lewis Podcast #120 Out of the Silent Planet: Weston, Devine and JRR Tolkien
As we delve into the first book of the trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet, Professor Alister McGrath looks at some of its key themes. He explores the characters of Weston and Devine, looking at whether they represent particular ideologies and how Lewis exposes issues with their worldviews. Plus, why was JRR Tolkien such a fan of the book?
The CS Lewis Podcast #119 Has The Space Trilogy stood the test of time?
Alister McGrath concludes his introduction to Lewis’ Space Trilogy by exploring parallels with The Chronicles of Narnia. He offers tips for getting into these three books, speculates why they haven’t been turned into films and shares his favourite moment in the trilogy.
The CS Lewis Podcast #118 Evil, evolution and theological reflection in The Space Trilogy
Alister McGrath explores some of the theological themes within Lewis’ trilogy, such as incarnation, atonement and the problem of evil. How did Lewis view the relationship between science and religion? What did he think about evolution? How did he critique certain worldviews through his fiction?