All Christian living articles – Page 8
How a sceptical engineer discovered that science, far from disproving Christianity, opened a way to faith
Ben Clifton grew up in a non-Christian household and didn’t encounter church until his wife’s mental health struggles led her to attend. Here, Jana Harmon tells the remarkable story of Ben’s journey from sceptic to apologist
Unapologetic #58 Collin Hansen: Does anyone care about apologetics?
Are people even asking questions? If so, are those questions dramatically different from what they used to be? How should we respond to our rapidly changing culture? Collin Hansen, executive director of the The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, looks at some important questions around cultural apologetics and draws on the wisdom of Tim Keller (1950-2023).
The CS Lewis Podcast #110 An atheist and Christian reflect on CS Lewis’ apologetics
60 years after his death people continue to read, use and quote CS Lewis’ apologetics works. In this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they discuss Lewis’ arguments, focussing particularly on his Natural Law argument for God in ‘Mere Christianity’.
Becoming a father: How a difficult birth and my subsequent PTSD diagnosis heightened my belief in God
Father’s Day can be a really difficult time for many people for a variety of different reasons. Here, Elliott Rae, who works to support and champion families, shares his experience of fatherhood, mental health challenges and helping men to be more vulnerable
Unbelievable? The occult, demons and exorcism: Is modern-day deliverance ministry biblical? With ex-psychic Jenn Nizza, pastor Mike Signorelli hosted by Billy Hallowell
Is the occult just harmless fun? Or are there hidden dangers to alternative spirituality, satanism, and even new age practices? Increasingly the debate is not about good vs evil but my truth vs your truth.
Matters of Life & Death: Trans children: Gender dysphoria, diagnostic overshadowing, boy Lego versus girl Lego, and the non-replicated Dutch Protocol
Perhaps the most contentious political, medical and social issue of the day is how to treat and care for young people who are questioning or experiencing distress around their sex and gender.
The CS Lewis Podcast #109: Dr Jennifer Woodruff Tait: Jack at home
Dr Jennifer Woodruff Tait, managing editor of Christian History magazine, shares some of her thoughts around why CS Lewis continues to be so popular. She tells Ruth Jackson why they devoted an entire issue of the magazine to Lewis’ family and friends, and reflects on why he has had such a profound impact on her own life as a woman, despite him sometimes being accused of sexism.
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: Christian pacifism in times of war and the Tower of Babel reconsidered
In this episode we tackle two questions from listeners.
The CS Lewis Podcast #108 Tim Keller (1950-2023) on CS Lewis
In this special episode following the death of Tim Keller on Friday 19th May, Ruth Jackson speaks to Collin Hansen, author of ’Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation’. They talk about Keller’s love for CS Lewis and reveal some fascinating stories about Kathy Keller, Tim’s wife, who was one of the last people to correspond with Lewis before his death.
Riches to rags: How a millionaire lost nearly everything, but found God
Former atheist Stu Fuhlendorf felt no need for God, achieving high level of success and power in the business world. However, his achievements were tainted by emptiness and addiction, which helped him become open to his need for God. Jana Harmon shares his story
Unapologetic #55 Collin Hansen: Tim Keller (1950-2023) on women, family life and homosexuality
We continue our conversation with Collin Hansen, author of ’Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation’, who highlights some of the key women in Keller’s life, particularly his wife Kathy. Hansen explains why Tim Keller was a complementarian and speaks about Keller’s brother, Billy, who died from AIDS in the 1990s.
Matters of Life & Death: Digital persecution: Deadly rumours on WhatsApp, a ‘Panopticon’ of censorship, the corrosion of trust, and China’s spreading surveillance state
The persecuted church today lives as it always has under the threat of arrest, imprisonment, physical attack, verbal threats and harassment, and even death. But today these traditional methods are supplemented by the technological revolution.
The CS Lewis Podcast #107 Dr Sharon Jones: Floral particulars in CS Lewis
Dr Sharon Jones, who teaches at Stranmillis University College, explores floral particulars in Lewis’ works. This talk was originally given at a CS Lewis symposium called Now We Have Faces, which was hosted by The CS Lewis Group at Ulster University in coordination with English at Ulster. The title of Sharon’s presentation was ‘Much grass and many flowers: attending to floral particulars with CS Lewis’.
What can George Bush’s 1992 failed presidential campaign teach us about salvation?
Erik Strandness challenges us to rethink the way we share our faith for the sake of our young people
Ask NT Wright Anything #171 Tom answers Personal Qs on favourite preachers, authors and his own faith (Classic)
From 2019. Listeners want to know about Tom - Who are his favourite authors? If he could have dinner with anyone from the 20th Century who would it be? Why is he an Anglican? Has he ever struggled with his own faith?
Unapologetic #54 Collin Hansen: Remembering Tim Keller (1950-2023)
Following the death of Tim Keller on Friday 19th May, Collin Hansen, author of ’Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation’ spoke to Ruth Jackson about Tim Keller’s early life and shared some of his favourite memories of the New York apologist.
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: Helping unmarried couples have children and court-ordered blood transfusions
Today’s episode was recorded as part of the New Zealand Christian Medical Fellowship’s annual conference. Doctors there sent over two bioethical conundrums for us to chew over as part of a special episode of Matters of Life and Death.
The CS Lewis Podcast #106 Teodora Driscu: Lewis and the embodiment of heaven
University of Iasi PhD candidate Teodora Driscu looks at longing and the image of heaven in Lewis’ works, focussing particularly on ‘Perelandra’. This talk was originally given at a CS Lewis symposium called Now We Have Faces, which was hosted by The CS Lewis Group at Ulster University in coordination with English at Ulster. The title of Teodora’s presentation was ‘The Embodiment of Heaven in Lewis’ Works’.
Ask NT Wright Anything #170 Tom on his life and faith, and the meaning of the cross (Classic)
First broadcast in 2017, NT Wright talks to Justin Brierley about his early life and how his faith developed over the years, before turning to the question of what the atonement means, as laid out in his book The Day The Revolution Began. This interview was first broadcast on The Profile podcast
Unapologetic #53 John Swinton: Disability, learning difficulties and dementia
John Swinton, professor in practical theology and pastoral care at Aberdeen University and a former psychiatric nurse, challenges the way we approach disability, ensuring we create spaces where everyone belongs and has their spiritual needs met. We also discuss difficult questions around dementia, such as what it means to know God when you have limited conceptual intellectual capacity.