All catholicism articles
Creating a sacred space: the yearning for tradition and aesthetics in the church
More traditional styles of worship are gaining popularity, in contrast with the modern norm of trendy pop-rock worship bands, minimalist décor and warehouse-style buildings. Erik Strandness reflects on his desire for awe, majesty and beauty when attending church
#236 Icons, praying to saints & dividing over sexuality (Classic)
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions about whether shrines are pagan, whether infant baptism is biblical, and how we can live in unity despite theological differences around sexuality.
Catholic vs Protestant debate - “Should Christians pray to Mary?” Trent Horn v Leonardo De Chirico hosted by Andy Kind
What divides Catholics and Protestants theologically? How does the role of Mary and the authority of scripture shape the faith journeys of believers in these traditions?
From meaningless atheism to the satisfying answers of faith: the story of Christine Mooney-Flynn
A former atheist finds God at the end of a long spiritual quest through nihilism and despair
Why feminist Louise Perry is arguing for the restoration of traditional marriage and Christian sexual ethics
Journalist Heather Tomlinson shares her thoughts on the sexual revolution and sexual ethics following a recent episode of The Big Conversation
Finding God through science – an atheist discovers chemical evolution can’t adequately explain the origin of life
Jana Harmon shares the story of Dr Fazale Rana who discovered God through his pursuit of science. His paradigm shift began when he began to find scientific explanations for the origin of life inadequate and started to look elsewhere
Unbelievable? Intellectual and supernatural conversions - Christmas special with Nico Tarquinio & Martin Shaw
Justin interviews two guests with remarkable stories of adult conversion to Christianity.
Ask NT Wright Anything #147 Catholics have questions
Catholic listeners have sent in some questions for Tom, including: Will the elusive dream of Catholic and Anglican unity ever be possible? I’m reconsidering my conversion to Catholicism… should I take my 6 year old daughter out of the church? Justin Bass joins for a final time.