All atheism articles
Who are the ‘New Atheists’ and are they right about God?
What caused the once-popular movement of militant atheists to develop, and are they correct to say that belief in God is dangerous and rational science is the answer?
Does DNA’s language point to a creator?
The complexity and communicative qualities of our genetic building blocks are not easily explained by science, but instead point to intelligent design, argues Joel Furches
A Christian explanation for Natural Evil from the Dirckx vs Woodford debates
An apologetic for natural disasters using the Genesis creation story
Free Will vs. Determinism: Who’s Really in Control?Alex O’Connor vs Prof Alex Carter hosted by Ruth Jackson
Are we the masters of our fate or just dancing to the universe’s tune? 🤔 This week on Premier Unbelievable, Ruth Jackson moderates a gripping debate on one of philosophy’s oldest questions: Do we truly have free will?
Why Doesn’t God Stop Suffering? Stephen Woodford vs Sharon Dirckx Debate Hosted by Ruth Jackson
Round two on Unbelievable! Dr. Sharon Dirckx vs. Stephen Woodford heats up the debate on Christianity’s impact on human values.
What is ‘truth’ in a post-truth world? Live debate with Kristi Mair vs Dr Shaun Stevenson
Welcome to this week’s Unbelievable? Podcast! 🎙️ Today, we dive into some profound and challenging questions surrounding the concept of truth in our modern, post-truth world 🌍. Recorded live, this episode features an engaging debate between two distinguished scholars: Kristi Mair 📚, Apologist, Author, and Lecturer at Oak Hill Seminary, who is completing her PhD in Philosophical Theology, and Shaun Stevenson 🧠, a Lecturer in Philosophy at MMU with a particular interest in the philosophy of death.
There’s a brand new argument for the existence of God: here’s a simple(ish!) explanation of the ‘problem of psychophysical harmony’.
Theism has been a hot topic in philosophy in recent years, and many academics now say there are very good arguments for the existence of God on the table.
Is belief in an evil God more plausible than belief in a good God? Stephen Law vs Jack Symes hosted by Vince Vitale
Did you hear the one about the three philosophers? Yes, on Unbelievable? 👀 🧠 🎙️In this episode, Oxford philosopher Stephen Law, the main proponent of the Evil God Challenge, argues that the evidential problem of evil challenges the belief in a good God. ⚡️
Unbelievable? Psycho-Physical Harmony: can natural selection alone explain experiential rationality? Philip Goff v Dustin Crummett hosted by Andy Kind
Why do we tend to go for an experience that feels good and when something feels bad, we tend to avoid it? Why are conscious experiences and behaviour paired together in the most rational way? The Unbelievable podcast unpacks the mystery of psycho-physical harmony with Philip Goff, Professor Philosophy at Durham University (an atheist) as he debates Dustin Crummett, a Christian philosopher.
The CS Lewis Podcast #162 Alister McGrath: Is there still a place for Lewis in today’s society?
We continue our conversation with Professor Alister McGrath answering live questions, including who influenced Lewis’ faith journey, whether there’s an expiry date on his relevance and how Lewis has impacted Alister’s own theology.
Atheism’s limits: How a sceptical neuroscientist rediscovered Jesus
Researcher Jana Harmon shares how neuroscientist Dr Rich Suplita found his New Atheism wanting, prompting him to look for answers in Christianity
The CS Lewis Podcast #140 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: Does history matter?
Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how significant CS Lewis was in her journey from atheism to Christianity. As an academic historian, she explores how great books speak to ever-present questions and looks at why the past matters. Why is Lewis still relevant 60 years after his death?
Unbelievable? Does free will exist? Alex Malpass vs Tim Stratton. Hosted by Andy Kind
This week on Unbelievable we return to the topic of free will. Following the debate between Ben Shapiro and Alex O’Connor, Christian apologist Tim Stratton got in touch to say he took issue with some of Alex’s arguments against free will.
Unbelievable? Is religion good or bad for society? Ben Shapiro v Alex O’Connor The Big Conversation – Episode 7 | Season 5
In this bonus episode of The Big Conversation’ formidable Daily Wire host and renowned political thinker Ben Shapiro goes head-to-head with Oxford graduate of philosophy and theology, now international public speaker and debater, Alex O’Connor. Hosted by Andy Kind, Shapiro and O’Connor debate Is religion good or bad for society? What is the concept of free will? Does it even exist? What about the idea of the self, and the foundations of morality in society, and do we all have to agree on them?
Unapologetic #76 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: How do we find meaning?
In the second part of their discussion, Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how she moved from atheism to agnosticism, ending up in a church. What is meaning? How do we find it? Does Christianity have anything to say to our cultural moment?
The CS Lewis Podcast #129 Dr Carolyn Weber: Surprised by Oxford
Dr Carolyn Weber, author of Surprised by Oxford, shares her fascinating story of coming to faith from atheism at Oxford University. Her journey, which mimics CS Lewis’ own in many ways, has recently been turned into a feature film. What did Lewis mean by “surprised by joy”? Why are stories so powerful? Why has Lewis so often contributed to people’s conversions?
Unapologetic #75 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: How an atheist academic moved towards belief in God
Former atheist-turned Christian Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how studying some of the founders of modern science challenged her assumption that religion and science were fundamentally opposed. She also highlights the moment she realised her atheism could no longer sustain her moral commitments.
Unbelievable? Coming to faith through Dawkins - Part 2: Is there a new New Atheism? Alister McGrath & Alex O’Connor
In the second part of their discussion based on the book Coming to Faith Through Dawkins, theologian Alister McGrath and YouTuber Alex O’Connor discuss where we may be heading in regards to religion and atheism.
Unbelievable? Coming to faith through Dawkins - Part 1: has New Atheism failed? - Alister McGrath & Alex O’Connor
Unbelievable? delves back into history and asks Did new atheism fail? with one the world’s best-known theologians Alister McGrath debating Oxford-educated philosopher and wildly successful YouTuber Alex O’Connor.
The CS Lewis Podcast #100 Alister McGrath: 100th special celebrating CS Lewis’ legacy and how he can help renew the Church
In this special episode, we take a break from our series on Professor Alister McGrath’s seminal biography, CS Lewis: A Life, to celebrate reaching our 100th episode. Alister shares some of his thoughts around what modern readers can learn from Lewis and how he can help with the renewal of the Church.